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2.0 Plot Density of States¶
We are going to plot the electronic density of states.
Step 1: Load westpy¶
from westpy import *
_ _ _____ _____ _____
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\/ \/\____/\____/ \_/ .__/ \__, |
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WEST version : 3.1.1
Today : 2018-09-19 15:22:31.298822
Step 2: Electronic Structure¶
es = ElectronicStructure()
We add keys that will be used to browse the electronic structure.
es.addKey("eks","Kohn-Sham energy (eV)")
es.addKey("eqp","Quasiparticle energy (eV)")
We add three data points.
We can plot the DOS for both the key “eks” and “eqp”
%matplotlib inline
Requested (emin,emax) : -5 -4
Detected (emin,emax) : -4.6789 -4.3789
output written in : dos.png
waiting for user to close image preview...

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